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Planning an event? Let the Bermuda Red Cross First Aid Team provide the support you need. Their team of qualified First Aiders can assist existing medical staff or offer full coverage for smaller events. Equipped with essential First Aid supplies and equipment, they’re here to help keep your event safe and prepared for any situation.   Call 236-8253 x 231 or email to learn more! View their website for more information. 

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70 results found in Bermuda for registered charities
The Bermuda Heart Foundation is the leader in Heart Health advocacy on the Island. Our very ambitious goal is to reduce the number of heart related deaths on the Island by 25% within the next three years. In order to achieve our hefty goal...

Dallas Building, 7 Victoria Street, , City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Founded in 1990, The Family Centre offers a variety of services to Bermuda residents. An internationally accredited charity, we provide support to children who face family based problems like abuse, neglect and other emotional...

27 King Street , City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 19

Habitat Bermuda is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, which was founded in the United States in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Since its inception, Habitat International has built and renovated more than 400,000 homes with families...

Bluck's Building, 4 Front Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda

About Us Today, at a time when not-for-profit organisations and donors are more stretched than ever, Bermuda has an unprecedented opportunity to build a sustainable source of support for its civic sector.   Bermuda Community...

Sterling House, 3rd Floor W, 16 Wesley Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

WindReach Bermuda is a centre for inclusion and personal achievement for people of all abilities. Mission WindReach exists to enrich the quality of life for people with special needs Description OUR HISTORY In 1979, WindReach founder, Mr....

Windreach Ln., 57 Spice Hill Rd., Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK BX

Greenrock is working to empower individuals and companies to do their part in making Bermuda socially, economically and environmentally more sustainable.   Greenrock seeks to educate Bermuda residents and visitors so that we start...

Suite 324, 48 Par-La-Ville Rd, City of Hamilton, Bermuda

Our Mission: Using overseas expeditions, local training and continuedcoaching, we challenge young Bermudians to harness their full potentialand develop skills for life.   Our Vision: Raleigh's vision is of a Bermuda where young...

Committee of 25 Building, 2nd Floor, 2 Midsea Lane , City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM07

Bermuda Society For The Blind, The

Beacon House, 2 Beacon St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Atlantic Philanthropies Bermuda Limited, The

Sterling House, 16 Wesley St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Bermuda Junior Service League, The

PO Box HM 1226, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM FX

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